

Urban Planning and Rural Planning




K. V. Zakharov, Ph. D. (Biol. Sc.), Associate Professor at the Faculty of Geography and Ecology, Moscow State Regional University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Moscow region, town Mytishchi


The authors recognized preserving natural heritage in Moscow throughout the 20th century. The main achievements include the allocation of the green belt around Moscow and system of special nature protection areas. There is a tendency toward the reduction of the interest to nature conservation among the population and the city authorities, substitution of the true nature conservation with beautification and “improvement.” Moscows experience confirms the opinion of the impossibility to conserve wildlife in the city through the efforts of enthusiasts alone. When it comes to nature conservation in a modern metropolis, it is necessary to involve the broadest layers of the population and ensure integration of ecological considerations in all areas of the city life.


the nature protected in city, protected areas, urbanization, conservation community.

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