DOI | 10.24411/1816-1863-2018-13033 |
Section | Ecology |
Сontributors | - E. V. Pyatina, Ph. D. (Biol. Sc.), Scientific secretary of the FGBBU “Central Museum of Soil Science name V. V. Dokuchaev”, St. Petersburg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
- M. A. Buigakova, Ph. D. (Biol. Sc.), Senior Lecturer at the “Orenburg State University”, Orenburg, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract | The influence of the recreational zones of the city on the abundance, species richness and trophic orga-nization of communities of large soil invertebrates was studied. For the sites, the following information is available: dynamics of distribution of 10 species of earthworms, 8 species of biparonids, 6 species of gabonopods and 51 species of insects. The indices of the worlds Menghinik (DMn), Berger-Parker (1/D), Shannon (H) are calculated. According to the indicators of species richness and diversity, a forest park is distinguished, with the lawn of industrial zone being the most equalized fauna — here the index 1/D is maximal (5,1), and the index H is the same as in the forest park (2,4). The smallest value of the 1/D index in the park, despite the fact that the greatest density of soil invertebrates was observed here. It was revealed that in all areas of the dominant trophic group are saprophages, which ranged from 61 to 93 %. At the same time, the proportion of zoophages amounted to 26 %. The least variety is the mesopedofauna of the lawn of the industrial zone. It is established that the bulk of mesopedofauna in the soil of the city is concentrated in the upper 10-cm layer (98 % in the park, 79 % on the lawn, 87 % on the lawn of the industrial zone). Distribution with modern technological capabilities aimed at regular removal of plant debris and litter. In the role of bioindicators of adverse habitat conditions, earthworms, gabonopods and two-legged centipedes can act. |
Keywords | urboecosystem, earthworms, Oligochaeta, Insecta, indicator, invertebrates. |
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