
Urban Planningand Rural Planning




T. A. Trifonova, Ph. D, Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

K. O. Karapetyan, Post-Graduate Student at the Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A study for defining and analysis of ecological footprint of an average household characterizing a detailed profile of materials and energy resources consumption by household members has been made. For the first time among other Russian studies on ecological footprints, the direct calculation method with the “Ecological Footprint Calculator” software was used in the work. The biological capacity of the Vladimir Region has been assessed in detail. A considerable ecological excess has been revealed in the region, since the obtained ecological footprint value is 2,1gha/person, which is almost 1,5 times smaller than the estimated biocapacity of the Vladimir region. The analysis of the Ecological Footprint measurement results showed that out of the six consumption categories analyzed, food and housing have the greatest share. Forests cover about 55 % of the territory of the Vladimir region and they satisfy the total demand for this type of bioproductive surface. The demand for arable land and infrastructure has also been satisfied. The maximum load on ecosystems is the carbon footprint, which amounts to over half of the value of the ecological footprint of the region.


ecological footprint analysis, household, material and energy resources, biocapacity of the territory.


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