




P. A. Kulagin, Manager for Logistics AO “EVRAZ Metal Inprom”,

Post-graduate Student at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


It is shown that in a crisis situation in the economy consumers seek to control and minimise their costs, to evaluate benefits and usefulness of the purchased goods, and the consumer considers and evaluates the usefulness of the individual, but it can be reduced to the determination of benefits over the life cycle use of the product taking into account total cost of ownership. The technique of formation of elements of non-current assets of the transport undertaking based on the requirements of formation of rents and consumer TCO is given; focusing on the state of the market, manufacturers should monitor and consumer rents, which gets the consumer from using their product. Outlined in this article the complex of methodical decisions that helped shape the company's fleet, allowing you to more compared to the baseline free cash flow.


ecological safety, customer-oriented business processes, fixed assets, plant and equipment, transport company, customer value, transportation.


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