DOI | 10.24411/1816-1863-2019-11043 |
Section | Environmental Safety Construction and Town Economy |
Сontributors | - C. M. Chesnokova, Ph. D. (Chem. Sc.), Associate Professor, Professor at the Vladimir State University named after A. G and N. G Stoletovs, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
- O. V. Savelyev, Ph. D. (Biol. Sc.), Associate Professor at the Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract | The article presents the results of determining the gross concentrations of heavy metals and arsenic by the X-ray fluorescence method in the soils of cities of the Vladimir region with various industry specifics, the limits of fluctuations in the content of these elements, their average concentrations in soils, the excess of average concentrations over the territory of cities (%), accumulation rates in soils soil pollution indices. It is shown that in the territories of cities zones of polyelement geochemical anomalies are formed. The maximum level of soil contamination with heavy metals and arsenic was established for the soils of the cities of Kolchugino and Vladimir, where non-ferrous metallurgy, metalworking, machine-building and instrument-making enterprises are concentrated. In the studied cities, the concentration of lead in almost the entire territory exceeds the background by 1—5 times. The maximum level of soil contamination with lead and arsenic was found in the cities of Vladimir, Sudogda, Yuryev-Polsky, which is associated with the long-term impact of road transport. The high gross content of toxic elements in the soils of the cities of Kolchugino and Vladimir testifies to the potential environmental distress in these municipalities and requires management decisions on the organization of a comprehensive assessment of the state of the environment in them and remediation of the technogenic geochemical anomalies. |
Keywords | urban soils, heavy metals and arsenic, pollution level, accumulation index, soil pollution index. |
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