

Environmental Safety Construction and Town Economy



  1. Т. А. Meshchurova, Ph. D. (Biol. Sc.), Senior Researcher FSBI Ural State Research Institute of regional environmental problems, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
  2. М. В. Khodiashev, Ph. D. (Chem. Sc.), Chief of Department FSBI Ural State Research Institute of regional environmental problems, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The authors give the characteristic of formation and produced water. Belonging to the category of industrial wastewater, they are one of the sources of environmental pollution. It is revealed that the legislation ambiguously qualified produced simultaneously with oil, gas and backfilled reservoir water and produced water, and as a consequence of this problem. Formation waters are characterized by saturation of chemical elements of different composition, they dissolved significant amounts of gaseous components. Commercial water can be a source of soil pollution, groundwater, air basin fire and explosive and toxic substances, as well as oil losses. It is suggested that subsoil users to reduce financial risks when placing the above waters in rock formations in project documents for the development of deposits and projects for the construction of oilfield facilities use only one term, for example, associated water (or produced water), which is not in the Federal classification catalog of waste (FWCC).


stratal water, subcommodity water, booty of gas and oil, mineral salts, contamination of environment, users of bowels of the earth

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