DOI | 10.24411/1816-1863-2018-14081 |
Section | Urban Planning and Rural Planning |
Сontributors | - S. N. Artemova, Ph. D. (Geog. Sc.), Associate Professor at the Penza State University (PSU), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
- D.S. Ikonnikov, Ph. D. (Histor. Sc.), Head of Laboratory at the Penza State University (PSU), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract | Cultural landscapes of the region are formed as a result of the imposition of their anthropogenic modifications at the previous stages of economic development. The purpose of this work is to conduct a historical and geoecological analysis of the process of economic development of the territory of the Penza region in the period from the XVII to the middle of the XIX century and reveal the features of the formation of cultural landscapes. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of cultural landscape and the theory of geo-ecological analysis of the processes of economic development of landscapes. Historical and geoecological analysis of this stage of economic development was carried out by comparative analysis of spatial and temporal information about nature, population and its economic activity at this stage and its imposition on the modern landscape map of the Penza region. The analysis of historical, paleogeographic and archival cartographic data makes it possible to single out the period under study as the stage of the beginning of the large-focal economic development of the territory of the Penza Region. The formation of cultural landscapes is significantly influenced by the construction of the borderline and Russian immigrants. The transformation of natural landscapes occurs on the one hand, in connection with the construction and operation of defensive lines, on the other hand, in connection with human activities. Landscapes to the north of the zasechny traits have undergone the greatest transformation. There was a significant reduction in forests due to the development of construction, agriculture, potash production in the region and deforestation for the needs of shipbuilding in Russia. |
Keywords | process of economic development, historical and geographical analysis, cultural landscapes, the Penza region, Upper Doucet and Primokshanye, defensive features, arable farming, Russian migrants |
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