

Urban Planning and Rural Planning



  1. B.I. Kochurov, Dr. of Sc. (Geogr.), Professor, Leading Research at the Institute of Geography RAS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
  2. I.V. Ivashkina, Cand. of Geogr. Sc., Head of Sector at the Genplan Institute of Moscow, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
  3. V. A. Lobkovskiy, Ph. D. (Geography), Head of Department of Physical Geography
  4. and Environmental Management Problems, Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences,
  5. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
  6. N. V. Fomina, Graduate Student at the Moscow City Teacher Training University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  7. Yu. I. Ermakova, Post-graguate Student at the Institute of Geography RAS

Megaproject “Integrated development of Moscow territory” can be considered as a kind of convergence at the intersection of technology, science, education and innovation. This convergence has brought the city to a potential level of growth that can be compared to large-scale plans and programs that opened a new era in the development of the country.

Eco-urban balanced approach is the basis for the development of the modern metropolis. It is important to assess the state of the urban environment on the basis of an analysis of its resource potential, the needs of the population and the possibilities of meeting them, provided the maximum preservation or improvement of the quality of the environment. Scientifically based ecological and urban planning approach in the development of the city from industrial to “smart” and “happy” leads to the formation of a new type of rational organization of the urban area.

Moscow, successfully implementing convergence in the form of transformation of an industrial city, is bound to face the challenge of remaining a competitive metropolis in a dynamically developing world in which information and communication technologies are becoming a priority. In these circumstances, spatial planning and architecture must meet the urgent requirements of the comfort of the population to prevent the constant stresses of urban life. An important essence of convergent territorial planning and architecture in Moscow is the construction of urban landscapes and ecosystems close to natural ones, where urban activity takes place according to natural laws, which leads to the co-creation of man and nature.


megapolis Moscow, convergence, urban ecology, smart city, “green” city, city development concept.

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