DOI | 10.24411/1816-1863-2018-13040 |
Section | Ecology |
Сontributors | - N. I. Koronkevich, Dr. Sc. (Geogr.), Professor, Head of Laboratory at the Institute of geography RAS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
- K. S. Melnik, Dr. Sc., Research at the Institute of geography RAS, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Institute of geography of RAS, Moscow, Russia
Abstract | Change of a drain of the river of Moscow under the influence of anthropogenic and climatic factors in comparison with its norm estimated from the end of the 19th century till 1960th is considered. Among anthropogenic factors landscape transformations, hydrotechnical influence and use of water are allocated for various economic needs. Among landscape transformations the greatest role was played by increase in the area of the urbanized lands, especially waterproof sites. Increase in the urbanized squares at 1 % leads to the same growth of an annual drain, and increase in the area of waterproof sites — for 2—3 %. At the beginning of the 21st century growth of the urbanized areas in the basin of the river of Moscow increased its annual drain by 9 %. Hydrotechnical influence increased a drain, mainly because of its transfer across the Moscow Canal, by 50 %. At the same time the created reservoirs, though reduced a drain a little, sharply reduced danger of catastrophic floods. Water use affected a river drain a little, having lowered it by only 2 %. As a result anthropogenic factors in total increased an annual drain of the river of Moscow by 57 %. Taking into account climatic changes it exceeded the norm by 1,7 times. From the general increase in a drain of 77 % 23 % — on climatic are the share of anthropogenic factors. Cardinally seasonal distribution of a drain due to its regulation by reservoirs changed. |
Keywords | rivers, floods, natural and anthropogenic factors, flood protection, urbanized lands, climatic changes. |
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