




T. P. Platonova, Cand. of Chem. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department at the GAU DPO “Amur Regional Institute of Education Development”, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

A.       P. Pakusina, D. of Chem. Sc., Associate Professor at the FSBOU VO “Far Eastern Agrarian University”, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

K. S. Neprokina, Graduate Student at the FSBOU VO “Far Eastern Agrarian University”, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

L. P. Panova, Cand. of Chem. Sc., Associate Professor at the FSBOU VO “Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University”, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Conducted hydrochemical study of small rivers Burkhanivka and Chigiri, flowing through the territory of the city of Blagoveshchensk. Lack of oxygen in the water creates unfavorable conditions for self-pu¬rification of rivers. The high content of ammonium nitrogen reflects the deterioration of the sanitary con¬dition of rivers and the process of pollution by storm water. At the mouths of rivers, its nitrogen content decreases. Spatial dynamics of the content of phosphorus, expressed in the accumulation of orthophos¬phate to the mouth of the rivers. The high content of orthophosphates is recorded regularly regardless of the season, the amount of polyphosphates in the water is fixed mosaic, indicating the anthropogenic influence. The zinc content in water of 1.5—3 MPC, in the upper reaches of the rivers are higher than in the lower reaches, in Burkhanivka is higher than in Chigiri. The content in water of copper, lead and cadmium does not exceed the MPC. High concentrations of nitrogen compounds, iron, zinc and copper in the composition of the snow cover indicate technogenic air pollution. During the snowmelt, pollutants found in the snow enter the small rivers. Macrophytes in the river Burkhanivka contain a high concen¬tration of manganese, zinc and lead. Concentrations of heavy metals in macrophytes are arranged in a series in descending order Fe > Mn > Zn > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cd.


a small river, biogenic elements, macrophytes, heavy metals.


1.  Gruzdev G. A. The Relief-forming processes in the valleys of small rivers in the south of the Amur Re¬gion. — Blagoveshchensk: Publishing House BSPI, 1996. — 114 p.

2.  Korotaev G. V. Blagoveshchensk: Nature and Ecology. — Blagoveshchensk: Publishing House BSPI, 1994. Publishing House 125 p.

3.  Platonova T. P., Pakusina A. P. The Transformation of Small Rivers in the Urbanized Areas: a Case Study of the City of Blagoveshchensk // Regional environmental issues. — 2015. — № 2. — P. 25—31.

4.  Kuimova N. G., Radomskaya V. I., Pavlova L. M., Zhilin O. V., Radomski S. M., Berezina O. V. Fea¬tures Chemical and Microbiological Composition of Snow Cover in Blagoveshchensk // Ecology and in¬dustry of Russia. — 2007. — № 2. — P. 30—33.

5.  Radomskaya V. I., Yusupov D. V., Pavlova L. M. Macrocomponent Composition of Snow Cover in Blagoveshchensk // Water: chemistry and ecology. — 2014. — № 8. — P. 95—103.

6.  Pavlova L. M., Radomskaya V. I., Yusupov D. V., Lukichev A. A. Uranium and Thorium in the Dust Aerosols on the Cross-border (Russia-China) Urban Areas // Ecology of Urban Areas. — 2014. — № 2. — P. 102—108.

7.  Golokhvast K. S., Chaplenko T. N., Nikiforov P. A., Chaika V. V., Pamirskii I. E., Khristoforova N. K., Gulkov A. N. Granulometric Analysis of Atmospheric Suspensions of Blagoveshchensk City // Human Ecology. — 2013. — № 7. — P. 34—39.

8.  RD 52.24.377—2008. Mass Concentration of Aluminum, Beryllium, Vanadium, Iron, Cadmium, Cobalt, Manganese, Copper, Molybdenum, Nickel, Lead, Silver, Chromium and Zinc in the Water. Methods of Measurement by Atomic Adsorption with a Direct Electro-thermal Atomization of Samples.

9.  Borodina N. A. The Accumulation of Heavy Metals by Pine Needles in the Urban Ecosystem of the City of Blagoveshchensk // Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of RAS. — 2012. — Vol. 14. — № 1 (8). — P. 1958—1962.