Section |
Ecology |
Title |
Сontributors |
A.R. Khafizov, Professor at the Bashkir State Agricultural University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., L. A. Kamaletdinova, Graduate Student at the Bashkir State Agricultural University, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
Research objective is justification of the meliorative modes at complex arrangement of reservoirs of a steppe zone of the Western Bashkortostan. It is shown that one of paths of increase in ecological stability of reservoirs is complex arrangement which one of the main receptions provides carrying out water managements with keeping of the indicators demanded for this zone meliorative the modes. Justification of the meliorative modes at complex arrangement of reservoirs is executed on the basis of model operation of functioning of reservoirs of a steppe zone of the Western Bashkortostan according to the Catena program. By results of model operation of functioning of reservoirs recommendations for reservoirs of a steppe zone are developed. On them the regular irrigation of all fatsias is recommended. Drainage the superakvalnykh of fatsias with norms to 1,9 m is recommended. The relative efficiency of reservoirs as a result of water managements will increase by 3,3 times. Change of components of a local drain after melioration in all groups the favorable. |
Keywords |
steppe reservoirs, ecological state, melioration, irrigation, drainage, drainage, meliorative actions. |
References |
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