




N. V. Tsybulya, Cand. Sci. in Biol, Senior Scientist of the Federal State Budgetary Research Institution Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (FSBRI CSBG RAS), Novosibirsk, RF, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

L. N. Chindyaeva, Cand. Sci. in Biol., Senior Scientist of the FSBRI CSBG RAS, Novosibirsk, RF, lnikch@


The seasonal antimicrobial activity of the volatile compounds emitted by some species and forms of coniferous plants, belonging to Pinaceae, Cupressaceae, Taxodiaceae families, growing on open ground and in greenhouses under the conditions of the southern part of West Siberia was studied. The degree of antimicrobial activity was evaluated for three test species: Staphyllococcus epidermidis, Eseherichia coli and Candida albicans — using two methods for the determination of antimicrobial activity of intact plants. The seasonal specificity of the antimicrobial activity of plants was detected. The majority of samples exhibited high activity against colibacillus during all seasons, in summer — against yeast-like fungi, in winter — against staphylococcus.


coniferous plants, antimicrobial activity, microbial test objects, treatment with plant emission, remote treatment.


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