Section |
Urban planning and rural planning |
Title |
Сontributors |
I.O. Tikhonova, Cand. of Tech. Sc., Associate Professor at the Russian Chemical and Technological University name D. I. Mendeleev, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., S.Yu. Svidetrskaya, Student at the Russian Chemical and Technological University name D. I. Mendeleev, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
This article describes the characteristics of the primary wool processing factories (PWP) production, technologies for wastewater treatment, the laws of the recycled wastewater technology, zero-discharge water technology of the PWP production with recycling of valuable substances, balance calculations water and solid flows. Hence the important conclusion that in order to reduce energy costs, for example, processing of industrial waste waters chould avoid mixing (co-leads) flows with considerable differences in their origins. It is expedient to develop local closed sycles of treatment and return water to the production that provides cost-effective utilization of waluable substances contained in these waters. |
Keywords |
wastewater disposal, waste water purification, without effluent technology, primary wool processing, evaporation, wool fat. |
References |
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