Section |
Earth Science |
Title |
Сontributors |
A.B. Savchenko, D. Ph., Director of the Center for Situational Monitoring and Regional Studies, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Abstract |
The article describes the purpose, content and structure of indicators for monitoring the quality of a highly urbanized areas. Quality development of urban areas is determined not so much by the presence of any objects as the level of the balance of their characteristics with each other and how to use them, as well as the level of compliance with the specific needs of individual users, the level of demand in some range of consumers. An approach to the description of the quality development of urban areas from the perspective of strategic resources of this development — economic, territorial, human. To the fullest possible account of the influence of «actors and factors» quality development of large cities and their agglomerations in the article introduces the concept of the situation of highly urbanized areas and offer a means of describing for monitoring purposes. Presents a hierarchical three-level system of quality indicators development of urban areas, in which two top-level categories («sustainability» and «selectivity») are deployed in eight parameters on the second level, which are associated with the indicator 72 on the third level. Monitoring the quality of development of urban areas based on a system of indicators adequate for their strategic planning. |
Keywords |
quality of development, strategic resources, situation, urban territories, monitoring, strategic planning. |
References |
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